VBRA Committee

A committee elected at each Annual General Meeting (AGM), which will consist of a Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and at least four other members, will conduct the business of the VBRA WEST.Every effort possible will be made to ensure representation from the different parts of the LGBT community on the Committee.



The roles of the Committee are:

  • To co-ordinate actions arising from General Meetings
  • To run the General Meetings
  • To allocate the funds of the Association/ or VBRA WEST
  • To set priorities for the Association, ensuring that there is a realistic work programme
  • To receive reports and ensure progress on the work programme, and to assist VBRA WEST to achieve its goals.

The quorum at committee meetings will be 3.  If the number present falls below this, business may be discussed, but decisions will require a quorate meeting to confirm.


Committee members will hold office for a period of [3] years.  Committee members may be re-elected for a further term of no more than 2 years.
The VBRA WEST may form sub-groups to progress its business if it so wishes and co-opt non-Association members on to such sub-groups.